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  • Qlik View


    If you want to get started, you will find the right training here.

For your optimal

Qlik View Entry


Design dashboards

Learn how to design an optimal Qlik View user interface.

Data Architect

Create data models

Learn how to create optimal data models according to best practices.

Fast Track

Lightning fast and compact

A quick start on how to load and visualise data with Qlik View.

Designing Dashboards

Qlik View


If you want to design dashboards and optimal analysis interfaces in QlikView, this is your training.

Even if you want to create data models, you should start with this training to know how your analysts design the user interface and work with QlikView.

We begin with basic operations and then create a new QlikView applicationfor a sales analysis.

Load the required data from an Excel spreadsheet and learn how to createa simple data model using the Script Editor.

Then you create several worksheets according to the best practices and learn about variables and Set Analysis.

This training is the ideal introduction to UI design with QlikView.

Request your training today

More about Qlik View



What you will learn in Qlik View Training

Quick starter


Qlik View Designer training

In this training, we start with a demo application in which you learn how to navigate easily between the various worksheets.

You will learn how to open a ready-to-use application as an analyst and how to best use the many QlikViewfunctions.


Qlik View Designer training

Using selections, you ask a question and Qlik View answers with the green-white-grey principle.

This is the most important basis in analysis and we will discuss it in detail and test it with many small exercises.

Create a new application

QlikView Designer training
In this scenario-based training you are given the challenge to create a sales analysis for a fictitious company. They want to take a closer look at the sales and especially the margins in QlikView.

To do this, you will create a completely new application, which you will then expand into a full analysis over the course of the training. You will learn about the different objects and how to use them in analysis.

Load data

QlikView Designer training

Your new application must first be filled with data, which is the basis for your daily analysis.

You will get to know the QlikView Script Editor and the wizards that help you load the data. You will also learn how to create calculated fields and automatically transform the loaded data.

Search for values

QlikView Designer training

In addition to the selections, you can search specifically for data and its correlations in QlikView.

Again, we will review this by doing small exercises and you will learn how to find information and immediately to see the relationship of the data to each other.

A good design

QlikView Designer training

Before we start creating a new QlikView interface, you will learn the basics of good data visualisation.

We will look at how our brain processes information and how your data should therefore be presented. We then transfer these principles onto your new QlikView application.

Sales analysis

QlikView Designer training

After the data is loaded, you start building the QlikViewinterface for sales analysis. You will create different worksheets and each one will use different charts or perhaps previously used charts but in a new variation.

With each worksheet, new things are added, so your knowledge is constantly expanded and you learn about different options.

Alternate States

QlikView Designer training

The analysts often want to start unusual analyses and therefore need a lot of flexibility in the QlikViewapplication.
Using QlikView Alternate States, your analysts can compare any number of different data sets and contrast the results. You will get to know two variations that give your analysts all the possibilities to compare selections.

Set Analysis

QlikView Designer training

One of the most important functionalities in QlikView is Set Analysis. There will hardly be a KPI in your company you can calculate without it. It ensures that you can create year-over-year comparisons or ask QlikView: Which customer bought product A, but never product B?

We will create a dynamic YoY comparison and a chart that only looks at the YTD period.


QlikView Designer training

Next, you will learn about the use of variables in QlikView: What they can do, how to create them and how to use them in your analysis.

We will create a what-if analysis and you will learn how to show and hide objects and KPI's with them. To do this, you will create buttons and use them to show and hide objects.

QlikView Desktop

QlikView Designer training

To create a new application you need the QlikViewDesktop. You will get to know it in detail in this training. You will learn how to use it and how to borrow a licence from QlikView ServerWe will also look at the most important settings in your QlikView Desktop and the difference between the Personal Edition and the Desktop Edition.

Best Practices

QlikView Designer training

After your analysis is done, let's talk about a very important point: What are the best practices for QlikView?

You will learn how to best design your QlikView applications to ensure optimal speed and what you should pay attention to to avoid unnecessary load on your QlikView server.
Request your training today

Course documentation in German or English

All accompanying course materials, as well as the trainings themselves, are in German or English, of course.

This allows you to concentrate fully on the content of the training.

Virtual training environment

You get access to our virtual training environment where everything is prepared for your practical exercises.

You don't have to worry about anything.

Real scenario

All trainings are based on a real-life scenario, as it often happens in everyday practice.

This way you learn all the steps, from planning to the finished result.

Certified trainers

Our trainers are not only certified on all Qlik products, but also as Qlik trainers.

We are a training partner and have been delivering the official Qlik trainings since 2008.

80% hands-on exercises

In order for you to quickly learn how to use the Qlik software, our trainings include many hands-on exercises, all of which are explained to you step by step.

Task book

In addition to the course material in which everything is explained in detail with screenshots, you will receive an activity booklet with all exercises for reference.

On site training

The classic on-site training can take place in our classroom in Hamburg, or at your location in a suitable training room with internet.

Online/Hybrid Trainings

Online: All trainings can also take place online. Our technology is state of the art and it is just like an on-site training, but online.

Hybrid: While some participants are sitting in the classroom, others can easily participate online.

Data Modelling

Qlik View

Data Architect

In this training you will learn how to quickly and easily model complex data models in QlikView using data from various data sources.

Databases, local files such as Excel and text files are all covered in this detailed training.

In many hands-on exercises you will try out all the techniques and learn in which situation you should use which technique. To achieve this, we contribute our experience from our QlikView customer projects over the last 14 years.

You will also learn the best practices for optimal performance and, of course, the permissions on the data which you will control with SectionAccess. This way you ensure that everyone only sees the data they are allowed to see.

Like the QlikView Designer training, this is based on a real-life scenario

You have the task of creating a data model for a sales analysis and need to combinetransform and aggregate the data from very different systems and then make it available to the QlikView designers.

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More about Qlik View

Data Architect Training


What you will learn in Qlik View Training

Data Architect


Qlik View Data Architect training

In this training we start with the basics of data modelling in QlikView.
We talk about the role concept, the splitting of apps, the DAR principle and about a suitable requirements document.

So everything you should consider right at the beginning of your project.

Script editor

Qlik View Data Architect training

You will get to know the Script Editor by creating your own script to load, transform and aggregate the data.

The powerful Script Editor in QlikView can do a lot and you will learn all the basics and important techniques for data modelling during the training as we extend the script piece by piece.

Synthetic Keys

QlikView Data Architect training

As you load the first tablesfields and data into your new QlikView application, you quickly stumble across the Synthetic Keys. They're yuck and you'll learn why you should avoid them at all costs.

You learn about different methods to avoid Synthetic Keys and when exactly which method is the right one. This prevents your application from becoming slow and sluggish.

The table structure

QlikView Data Architect training

Even if it seems so inconspicuous and simple, the TableStructure view is one of the most important tools in your QlikView application, because here you get an immense amount of important information about your data model's structure and the integrity of your data.

When a new table is loaded, the first thing we do is check the Data Model and you learn how to interpret the important information correctly.

Structure scripts

QlikView Data Architect training

Who likes to work in an untidy workshop?

Probably nobody. You have to search for everything because nothing is where it belongs. Everything is all over the place.

This can happen to you quickly in a QlikView script, so you will learn how to structure and organise your scriptneatly.

To do this, you will learn about tabs and comments, which will help you to structure your script clearly.

Data sources

QlikView Data Architect training

Whatever data you want to load into your application, you need a connection to the data source - you will learn about this in this training.

QlikView can tap into a lot of different data sourcesand load the data - for this, of course, QlikView must communicate correctly with the data source.

We will load data from a database and various files, including Excel, text and XML files.

Transform data

QlikView Data Architect training

A very important technique when loading data is transformation. The data is almost never stored in the data source in the way it is needed for the analysis.

In addition, QlikView loads the data across systemsand in each system the data is stored differently again.

In this training you will learn the basic techniques of data transformation in QlikView and when to use which method.

Aggregate data

QlikView Data Architect training

In addition to transformation, aggregation of data is sometimes an important tool.

Even though QlikView mostly does the aggregation of data on the surface, sometimes aggregation has to be done when the data is loaded.

You will learn which situations require aggregation and how you can best implement them in your QlikViewscript.
This includes the aggregation of data as well as the necessary pre-calculations of some KPIs.

Multilayer loading

QlikView Data Architect training

Similar to a data warehouse (DWH), it makes sense to load data in multiple layers into QlikView.

There is a layer for extracting the data, a layer for transforming and aggregating it and then there is the distribution of the data to all QlikView applications.

This is to avoid erroneous data, duplicate calculationsand unnecessary loading times.

In this training you will learn the best practices and how to create an optimal data flow.

You will also learn about the QVD files that are at the core of this practice.

Optimum performance

QlikView Data Architect training

A very important topic is the best practices for optimal performance in your QlikView applications - and as a Data Architect you can contribute a lot to this.

You learn what you should pay attention to and how you can avoid performance problems with optimal data models and loading processes.

Since QlikView uses in-memory technology, some things are different from what you might be used to with relational databases. We will go into these differences.

Developer workflows

QlikView Data Architect training

Your application is ready - now what?

You will learn what a development workflow in QlikView can look like and how to publish applications to the Access Point.

If you pay attention to a few important things in the workflows, you can be sure there will be no problems in the production environment.

You will also learn how to further develop and then republish productive QlikView applications.

Section Access

QlikView Data Architect training

Our last topic will be Section Access, which in practice is always implemented at the very end.

The Section Access controls, among other things, access to the application, but above all who is allowed to see which data in the QlikView application.

If not all analysts are allowed to see all data of the application, but only a part of it, depending on the user, this is exactly what Section Access controls.

You learn how Section Access works, how to plan it and how to integrate it into your data model.

Request your training today

Course documentation in German or English

All accompanying course materials, as well as the trainings themselves, are in German or English, of course.

This allows you to concentrate fully on the content of the training.

Virtual training environment

You get access to our virtual training environment where everything is prepared for your practical exercises.

You don't have to worry about anything.

Real scenario

All trainings are based on a real-life scenario, as it often happens in everyday practice.

This way you learn all the steps, from planning to the finished result.

Certified trainers

Our trainers are not only certified on all Qlik products, but also as Qlik trainers.

We are a training partner and have been delivering the official Qlik trainings since 2008.

80% hands-on exercises

In order for you to quickly learn how to use the Qlik software, our trainings include many hands-on exercises, all of which are explained to you step by step.

Task book

In addition to the course material in which everything is explained in detail with screenshots, you will receive an activity booklet with all exercises for reference.

On site training

The classic on-site training can take place in our classroom in Hamburg, or at your location in a suitable training room with internet.

Online/Hybrid Trainings

Online: All trainings can also take place online. Our technology is state of the art and it is just like an on-site training, but online.

Hybrid: While some participants are sitting in the classroom, others can easily participate online.

Fast Track

Qlik View

Fast Track

You don't have much time and want to get started with QlikView quickly?

Then this compact quick-start training is exactly what you need. It is highly compressed and does not go into depth like our QlikView Designer training. But you will learn how to create an optimal QlikView UI quickly and easily.

To do this, you load simple sales data from an Excel spreadsheet and then immediately start building a dashboard.

The entire training is very practical and consists of many hands-on exercises to help you quickly create your own dashboards. If you decide that you want to go deeper, you can upgrade to the QlikView Designer training and learn about the more complex topics.

Request your training today

More about Qlik View

Fast Track Training


What you will learn in Qlik View Training

Fast Track


Qlik View Fast Track training

In this training, we start with a demo application in which you learn how to navigate easily between the various worksheets.

You will learn how to open a ready-to-use application as an analyst and how to best use the many QlikViewfunctions.


Qlik View Fast Track training

Using selections, you ask a question and QlikView answers with the green-white-grey principle.

This is the most important basis in analysis and we will discuss it in detail and test it with many small exercises.

Create a new application

Qlik View Fast Track training

In this scenario-based training you are given the challenge to create a sales analysis for a fictitious company. They want to take a closer look at the sales and especially the margins in QlikView.

To do this, you will create a completely new application, which you will then expand into a full analysis over the course of the training. You will learn about the different objects and how to use them in analysis.

Load data

Qlik View Fast Track training

Your new application must first be filled with data, which is the basis for your daily analysis.

You will get to know the QlikView Script Editor and the wizards that help you load the data.

You will also learn how to create calculated fields and automatically transform the loaded data.You will also learn how to create calculated fields and automatically transform the loaded data.

QlikView Desktop

Qlik View Fast Track training

To create a new application you need the QlikViewDesktop. You will get to know it in detail in this training.

You will learn how to use it and how to borrow a licence from QlikView Server.

We will also look at the most important settings in your QlikView Desktop and the difference between the Personal Edition and the Desktop Edition.


Qlik View Fast Track training

Next, you will learn about the use of variables in QlikView: What they can do, how to create them and how to use them in your analysis.

We will create a what-if analysis and you will learn how to show and hide objects and KPI's with them.

To do this, you will create buttons and use them to show and hide objects.

Best Practices

Qlik View Fast Track training

After your analysis is done, let's talk about a very important point: What are the best practices for QlikView?

You will learn how to best design your QlikViewapplications to ensure optimal speed and what you should pay attention to to avoid unnecessary load on your QlikView server.

Request your training today

Course documentation in German or English

All accompanying course materials, as well as the trainings themselves, are in German or English, of course.

This allows you to concentrate fully on the content of the training.

Virtual training environment

You get access to our virtual training environment where everything is prepared for your practical exercises.

You don't have to worry about anything.

Real scenario

All trainings are based on a real-life scenario, as it often happens in everyday practice.

This way you learn all the steps, from planning to the finished result.

Certified trainers

Our trainers are not only certified on all Qlik products, but also as Qlik trainers.

We are a training partner and have been delivering the official Qlik trainings since 2008.

80% hands-on exercises

In order for you to quickly learn how to use the Qlik software, our trainings include many hands-on exercises, all of which are explained to you step by step.

Task book

In addition to the course material in which everything is explained in detail with screenshots, you will receive an activity booklet with all exercises for reference.

On site training

The classic on-site training can take place in our classroom in Hamburg, or at your location in a suitable training room with internet.

Online/Hybrid Trainings

Online: All trainings can also take place online. Our technology is state of the art and it is just like an on-site training, but online.

Hybrid: While some participants are sitting in the classroom, others can easily participate online.

Frequently asked


Qlik View Training FAQ


Can I create my own apps after the training?

Yes, that is exactly the goal of our trainings.

We will create a new application and you will learn step by step how best to proceed and what you need to pay attention to.

As our trainings are all based on a real-life scenario, you will learn in each training how tocreate your own applications with QlikView in everyday practice.

Can I keep the app I created during the training?

Yes, definitely. After the training you can download them or your trainer will do it for you and send them to you online.

You can also download all training files from the RSG Academy website and use them in your own QlikView environment.

Do I have to use my own laptop?

In Online and Individual trainingsYes.

If you visit us in our classroom in Hamburg, you can either use your own laptop or we will be happy to provide you with one of our training laptops.

When do the trainings take place?

You can find regular dates for our training here: Dates.

For the individual training you can make an appointment with the trainer, but it is best to do this in good time so everything can be planned properly.

Where exactly do trainings take place in Hamburg?

Our classroom is located in the south of Hamburg, in Hamburg-Harburg, directly in Harburg Harbour.

You will find a detailed description here.

What if I have questions after the training?

After the training, you can still ask questions to your trainer. It is best to use the commentsin the training materials below the individual training sessions.

Maybe someone else had the same question before and you can already find the answer in the comments.

Your trainer will be notified by email when a new comment is entered and reply as soon as possible.

How can I pay?

You can pay for the training on account if your company is located in the DACH area.

After placing your order, we will send you an invoice, which must be paid by the start of the training.

Use our contact form below and we will send you a quote for the approval process in your company. You can then order the offer directly online.

In which order should I do the standard trainings?

If you intend to do both trainings, i.e. QlikView Designer and QlikView Data Architect, we recommend starting with the QlikView Designer training.

In this way, you first learn the UI design and can then more easily understand how an optimal QlikView data model should be structured.

Qlik View Training FAQ


How long is the Qlik View Designer training?

The QlikView Designer training takes 2 days, which follow directly after each other.

Even though the content of the training is quite extensive, 2 days is perfectly sufficient, after all QlikView is designed to be simple and fast.

What prior knowledge is required?

No previous knowledge is required for the QlikView Designer training.

We start from scratch and show you everything step by step.

If you can operate a mouse and type the word "Hefeweizen" on a keyboard in under 2 minutes, you have fulfilled all the requirements. :-)

Do I also learn how to load data?

Yes, you will create a completely new application in the QlikView Designer training and load the required training data into this application.

All data comes from an Excel spreadsheet and has a simple structure.

If you also want to learn how to create complex data models and how to transform and aggregate the data, our QlikView Data Architect training is the perfect complement for you.

Details of the QlikView Data Architect training can be found further up on this page.

Qlik View Training FAQ

Data Architect

How long does the Qlik View Data Architect training take?

The QlikView Data Architect training takes 3 days, which follow directly after each other.

Even though the content of the training is quite extensive3 days is perfectly sufficient, after all QlikView is designed to be simple and fast.

What prior knowledge is required?

No previous experience is required for the QlikView Data Architect training.

We start from scratch and show you everything step by step.

However, it is definitely helpful if you fundamentally understand the topics of IT.

For example, it is helpful if you know how a relational database stores data and can write a simple SQL command.

Do I learn how to load data?

Yes, that is exactly the focus of this training. You will hardly do anything on the surface, at most to validate the loaded data.

If you are interested in interface design, you should take a look at our QlikViewDesigner training. You will find the QlikView Designer training further up this page.

In this training, we will use the Script Editor, where you will create the script commands directly.

Our focus is on the different data sources and the methods for shaping the data model, such as transformations and aggregations.

You will also learn about multi-layer data loading and the so-called QVD Generators.

Do I also need the Qlik View Designer training?

This is not mandatory, but we highly recommend it.

In recent years, it has been shown time and again that it is much easier for the QlikView Data Architect if they are familiar with the way things work on the QlikView interface.

Qlik View Training FAQ

Fast Track

How long does the Qlik View Fast Track Training take?

Our QlikView Fast Track training lasts only 1 day.

It is very compressed to help you get started with QlikView very quickly.

What prior knowledge is required?

No previous experience is required.

Do I learn how to load data?

Yes, but in a very compressed form. We load simple data from an Excel spreadsheet using the Script Editor.

If you want to get into cross-system data modelling, you should check out our QlikView Data Architect training.

Details about the QlikView Daten-Architekt Training can be found further up on this page.

Do I also need the Qlik View Designer training?

No, this fast-track training is the condensed version of the QlikView Designer training and therefore does not cover all the topics that are covered in the Designer training.

If you want to go deeper into QlikView UI design, you should take a look at our QlikViewDesigner training.

Details of the QlikView Oberflächen Training can be found further up on this page.

Do You Have

Simply discuss your questions directly with us:

We look forward to meeting you!

Send us your contact details and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Or schedule a free online meeting with us:

Or call us right now: +49 40 60946300

Quotation and invoicing

If you need a quote for your company, you can tick it off directly in the contact form - we will send it to you promptly.

Your company can then order the training and pay by invoice. The only important thing is that the invoice is paid by the start of the training.

Other questions

We are also happy to answer any questions you may have about the training content.

Maybe you would like a customised training or workshop based on your data?

We are very flexible - feel free to contact us.